Our Clients

In the course of their career, our team members have served clients in various assignments as presented below:
Strategic planning
•    Lead Consultant, Rwanda Bankers Association Strategic Business Plan 2016-2020
•    Lead Consultant, ATS Storage Services 10 year Strategic Business Plan
•    Lead Consultant, BPR Bank Strategy and Business plan 2014-2018
•    Lead Consultant, Ugandan Community in Oxford (Ugacox) Micro Community Development Initiative (MCDI),Strategic Business plan 2014 – 2018
•    Lead Consultant, Euro Burundi Supplies Petroleum S.A 10 year Business plan 2012-2021 for the Establishment of a Metal Sheets Manufacturing Plant
•    Lead Consultant, Kigali MAPU Apartments business plan
•    Lead Consultant, Kigali Vantage Technologies business plan
•    Lead Consultant, Maxwell Petroleum Sarl, 5 years Strategic Business plan
•    Senior Consultant, Rwanda Public Service Commission (PSC) 5 year Strategic Plan
•    Senior Consultant, ARCT Ruhuka Rwanda, Strategic Business Plan
•    Senior Consultant, BTC Description of Public Financial Management systems in Rwanda
Human Capital Development
•    Public Service Commission staff recruitment
•    Delta Petroleum finance manager recruitment
•    University of Rwanda Finance and Auditing staff recruitment
•    Job Njoroge who was involved in the Government of Rwanda training in conjunction with Pricewaterhouse Coopers in 2009 and 2010. MINECOFIN engaged the services of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) to provide technical assistance in the consolidation process to the Treasury and Public Accounts Units under the Accountant General’s Office in collaboration with individual Budget Agency staff spearheading the process.
Financial management advisory services
•    United Nations Financial Management Assessment
•    USAID financial capacity gap assessments
•    Binti Safaris Kenya accounting and tax advisory services
•    Copa Kenya
•    Evangelical Lutheran Church Kenya
•    World Fair Trade Organization Kenya
•    Webtekies Kenya Ltd
•    African Council of Religious Leaders Kenya
Organizationaldevelopment advisory services
•    Rwanda Development Board customer satisfaction survey
•    BTC description of Government of Rwanda financial management systems
•    GTZ and EAC  Study of Training Systems in the Area of Domestic Taxes in the East Africa member countries
•    Development of Public Service Commission procedures manual
•    Ministry of Agriculture Rwanda Public Expenditure Review
•    Copa Kenya
•    Terre des Hommes, Netherlands Kenya
•    Grass Root Trust Kenya